UNLOCK NEW SKILL: Shakira receives assistance from a good-looking surf instructor after falling off her surfboard.

During her vacation in Costa Rica, Colombian singer Shakira was seen having a great time, showcasing her surfing abilities and riding the waves. Despite a brief stumble on a wave, she quickly recovered with the assistance of her instructor. Donning a black wetsuit and helmet, the 46-year-old artist displayed her balance on a white surfboard. Although momentarily distressed by the saltwater in her eyes, Shakira did not sustain any injuries. PREMIUM EXC ShakiraAfter her surf session, she happily walked back to her car while her instructor carried her board. Notably, she had a visible bruise on her leg, likely a result of her surfing lessons.PREMIUM EXC Shakira Shakira is known for her active lifestyle, engaging in activities such as wakeboarding with her children in Miami and attending various events. Another familiar face, Gisele Bündchen, was also spotted in Costa Rica, enjoying a surfing session with her daughter Vivian.PREMIUM EXC Shakira However, it is unclear whether the two had the opportunity to meet up during their respective vacations. PREMIUM EXC ShakiraEarlier in May, a source revealed that Gisele and Shakira had spent time together in Miami, where they dined at a local restaurant and enjoyed a pleasant evening without disturbance.