Shakira is on vacation in South Africa, where she has been encountering local wildlife by enjoying the beach and interacting with local animals

Shakira is expressing concern over an injured dolphin she spotted during her vacation in South Africa. The ‘She Wolf’ singer was heartbroken when she saw the dolphin stranded and hurt from her hotel room. She shared her distress on Twitter, saying, “View from my hotel room. There’s a wounded dolphin stuck on the beach. I hope they can get him back in the ocean soon.”

Since arriving in South Africa, Shakira has had several interactions with the local wildlife. On one excursion, a friendly baboon even chose to sit on her car. She tweeted in both Spanish and English, “Here join the Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean, the southernmost point of Africa … A baboon on our car! The animal kingdom is revolutionized today! Un babuino en el carro. El mundo animal, revolucionado.”

However, not all of Shakira’s encounters with animals have been pleasant. During another outing, she was bitten by a sea lion while trying to photograph it. She recounted the incident on Facebook: “This afternoon I happened to see some sea lions and seals. I thought they were so cute that I decided to get a bit closer than all of the other tourists. I went down to a rock, trying to pet them and taking pictures while talking to them in baby talk…”

“Suddenly, one of them jumped out of the water so fast and fiercely that it got about one foot away from me, looked me in the eye, roared in fury, and tried to bite me. Everyone there screamed, including me. I was paralyzed with fear and couldn’t move. I just kept eye contact with it while my brother ‘Super Tony’ jumped over me and literally saved my life, pulling me away from the beast.”